Here we are, well into December already. HOW many sleeps? Surely it was July only last week? And last Christmas not long before that? Every year this happens. Every year, despite Christmas being on the 25th of December every year. HOW does it take us by surprise so? But here we are. We’ve started on the Advent calendars. We can get the decorations up without being frowned upon. We can enjoy (or not, we get it) the antics of that naughty elf. How are YOUR preparations going?

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Be sure to join in our 12 Days of Christmas over on our Facebook page!

Christmas Care for the Skin

For most of us, December is, on the whole, an exciting and happy month with so much to look forward to. The undeniable magic of Christmas. Parties and catching up with friends and family. Gifts and – hopefully – goodwill. However, even so, it can also take a toll on our skin and our very well-being. It’s not so much a double-whammy for your skin as an all-out attack – and just at the time of year when you want to look and feel your best.

Anti wrinkle injections consultation

A facial can brighten the skin.

The skin is also a good indicator of physical health and well-being. Parties and cocktails and late, late nights take their toll on your skin: that dullness, those shadows under the eyes, and the pesky breakouts – they can all be a sign that you need to take care of your health, too. Even if your partying isn’t the problem, freezing air; coughs, colds and flu; fiercely heated rooms, and stress can all play their part in less-than-perfect skin and compromised winter wellness.

Winter Wellness: Look Well; Feel Well

As we discussed in our last blog, the skin is a highly complex organ. Keeping your skin healthy is about far, far more than looking good – although we’re great believers in that too. And especially when you consider the mental health benefits and confidence boost of looking goooood. But care of the skin is a winter wellness necessity when you consider the skin’s functions and its ability to indicate wider health.

We’d like to think that you’re all well aware of the importance of a good skincare routine and robust make-up removal (YES. Even after a big night. NO. No excuses) ideally with clinical grade products such as Alumier? Cleansing thoroughly and, at the very least, moisturising twice daily? Toning and exfoliating according to your skin’s individual needs? We’re assuming you’ve said yes. If not, do NOT wait for a new year to resolve to take care of your skin. Do it NOW.

Extra Care for Colder Days

However, you may find that cold weather and central heating will necessitate some tweaks to even the most comprehensive skincare routine and you’ll find lots of useful advice in our Winter Skin blog. Abrupt changes in temperature can affect the skin’s barrier function, causing dehydration and dullness. Your winter skin regime should focus on hydration, protection and rejuvenation.

  • Prepare and protect your skin thoroughly for harsh temperatures.
  • Use skincare products with superpowers, such as hyaluronic acid and peptides.
  • Take professional advice and use an individualised, tailored skincare regime specific to your skin concerns.
  • Never, EVER neglect SPF. Sun damage is ageing, as well as dangerous – don’t let colder weather lull you into a false sense of security.
  • Consider a tailored chemical peel to clarify and brighten winter-dulled skin.

So far, so common sense, n’est pas? Book a consultation, and we’ll take you through exactly what our treatments and incredible products can achieve for your skin.

Sunlight Vitamin and B12

It’s not just about skin. It’s not always easy to get everything your body needs from your diet, and wellness sometimes needs a little more support. Vitamin D, for example, is known as the sunshine vitamin. That’s because dehydrocholesterol, a substance under the skin, is converted to Vitamin D by sunlight. Vitamin D is essential for immune support – particularly vital when bugs, coughs, and colds are rife. It’s also crucial for healthy bones, teeth, and muscles.

Vitamin B12 is necessary for a healthy metabolism, so is particularly valuable to anyone losing weight or making an effort to eat healthily. Extreme dieting can also impact B12 levels. Low Vitamin B12 levels can cause extreme tiredness and lethargy, even fainting but supplements aren’t often helpful, as it’s water-soluble. Vitamin B12 injections are perhaps the most effective way to ensure optimum levels. B12 deficiency can be nasty, but the injections are harmless even if a patient isn’t deficient. Many patients report improved general wellness and energy with their B12 jabs. That’s got to be a good thing at ANY time of year!

Self-Care and Winter Wellness

Winter wellness also means taking care of yourself from the inside. You’ve probably heard all the advice about not drinking too much or too often. At the very least, drink plenty of water – always, and especially before, during and after drinking alcohol. Watch your diet – sure, you’re going to be eating party food and big meals. But it’s easy to ensure you’re getting at LEAST five a day. It’s not just your skin that’ll see the benefit. We can help with nutrition, too, if you need some help. Just contact us and find out what we can do for you.

Above all, enjoy yourself. Rest and take it easy when necessary. Avoid stress – don’t sweat the small stuff. Christmas time is magical. It’s about SO much more than expensive presents and a big meal. Few of us remember the presents as adults. We ALL remember the happy, family times, the traditions, the music, the anticipation… Check out when the International Space Station is passing – it looks JUST like Santa’s sleigh; make a mini video with Portable North Pole, and on Christmas Eve, follow Santa’s progress with NORAD’s Santa Tracker. All simple and free but oh, so adorable – and all part of the magic.

From all at AL, here’s to the happiest and most magical yet!