
Teen Acne Needn’t Mean Teen Angst

A quick Google search on teen acne will bamboozle and bombard you with high-street products promising the earth. But real acne isn’t just a few spots or a big chin zit – it’s a real problem with far-reaching effects. And it’s crucial for long-term skin health to not...

Here Comes the Sun – and Stu!

Here Comes the Sun – and Stu!

At AL Medical Aesthetics and Wellness, we NEVER rest on our laurels. We constantly strive to learn and improve, to develop our skills and add valuable new ones. This is to ensure we can always offer the absolute best in terms of treatment and service to our patients –...

What We Do and How We Do it

What We Do and How We Do it

It’s been a while, so it’s probably a good time for a little overview of AL Medical Aesthetics and Wellness. Or for our new followers, an introduction. Hi! We have so many new patients now and so much has changed and grown since the early days. What has not changed is...

Be GOOD to Your Gut

Be GOOD to Your Gut

We keep hearing and learning about ‘gut health’ these days. A few years ago, we were advised to consume probiotics and maybe eat live yoghurts. Unfortunately, there was little explanation as to why and what for. Now, though, we’re beginning to hear the benefits of a...

Say I Do to (Wedding) Picture Perfect Skin

Say I Do to (Wedding) Picture Perfect Skin

Are you, like so many of us before, planning your perfect fairytale wedding? Once the venue’s booked, every little detail matters – your favourite flowers, your dream dress (are we talking frills and flounces or elegant silhouette? Spaghetti straps, Bardot neckline,...

Better YOU? NO! Better Wellness

Better YOU? NO! Better Wellness

It's lovely to be back in clinic, seeing our patients and hearing all about your Christmases and plans for this year. Hope you got some wonderful presents and, more importantly, created some incredible memories. How about the new year? Did you make any resolutions?...

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Here we are, galloping through November like the reindeer on Christmas Eve. How’s it going? Are you ‘ready for Christmas’? Or, like some people I know, are you barely ready for tomorrow? Don’t get stressed. Take a deep breath, make a plan – a plan made up of small,...

In the Pink for October and Beyond

In the Pink for October and Beyond

It’s already half term, and you know what that means, don’t you? Within seconds of the kids heading back to school, we’ll be starting Christmas. Seriously. They’ll start practising their carol concerts and doing Christmassy crafts. Yep. Glue and glitter EVERYWHERE....

Season of Mist and Mellow… Wellness

Season of Mist and Mellow… Wellness

Well, hello, Autumn. Suddenly, the nights are drawing in, the leaves are turning russet and gold, conkers nestle on the ground like treasure, and there’s a distinct chill in the air. Autumn Equinox has passed, and despite the Summer holidays only just ending, we’re on...

All About Retinoids

All About Retinoids

Retinol. Retinal. Retinoid. What’s the difference? Is it just a case of semantics - you know, a bit tom-ay-to/tom-ah-to? After all, they are all derivatives of vitamin A, and they all feature in various skincare products because they all deliver various benefits for...

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