Being very overweight is bad for you. There. I said it. It really doesn’t matter how inclusive and non-judgmental we want to be. No, of course we don’t want our children to think that all those airbrushed magazine images are real or that normal people don’t have curves and lumpy, bumpy bits. Nor that a so-called perfect body is the be-all-and-end-all. And medical weight loss solutions aren’t an easy way out, or for just anyone.

However, the inescapable fact is that carrying excess weight is bad for you. Obesity can contribute to several severe, life-threatening conditions, including:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Certain cancers, including breast cancer and bowel cancer
  • Stroke

Being seriously overweight can lead to an early grave. Even if it doesn’t, it can adversely impact health, fitness, self-esteem, and mental health. With every extra kilo comes a little lower quality of life. And yes, you may be one of those people who’s happy as they are can still run upstairs and is outraged by these suggestions. But the facts and statistics are clear, and the list of illnesses and ailments caused or made worse by excess weight is long. Obesity is a massive health problem. A quick look at the NHS website explains many issues obesity causes.

Lose Weight and Be Healthy

The weight loss industry is immense. Some believe that many so-called diet or weight loss brands don’t WANT people to lose or keep weight off. After all, there’s money in it for them. And how many people do you know who’ve tried ‘every diet going’ or who ‘just can’t lose weight’? They’re not alone.

GP’s suggest couch-to-5k, ditch the car, make healthy food choices… But it’s NOT always that easy, is it? The pressures of life, work and children mean eating on the go or grabbing fast food. Lack of confidence can make joining a gym or taking exercise daunting. Sometimes, we just need a little help. Here at AL Medical Wellness, we CAN help.

How Does Medical Weight Loss Work?

Working with the National Medical Weight Loss Programme, we can provide that help. We don’t judge. We don’t merely TELL you to eat a little less and move a little more – we support you in doing so. We understand that there are many reasons for struggling with your weight. There are also many ways in which we can help you to achieve a healthy weight:

  • Behavioural Interventions such as diet
  • Counselling
  • Physical activity increase
  • Stress management
  • Self-monitoring
  • Sleep management

Amy can also help with pharmacological options, as a qualified and regulated clinician. When supported by holistic therapy, personal training and nutritional advice, you can achieve your weight loss goals once and for all – because, once weight loss starts to work for you, the lifestyle changes you’ll work on mean you’ll find it easier STAY healthy, too.

A Medical Weight Loss Success Story

Laura, before and after medical weight loss treatment

Laura before medical weight loss treatment – and after. The smile says everything!

Here’s what our patient Laura had to say:

“I remember telling myself in December 2020 that my new year’s resolution was to kick start my health. I wore a size 20 and weighed over 18 stone. So far, so familiar. But I caught myself in the mirror at the start of that December. Safe to say, I didn’t look like who I ever was – or wanted to be. I even remember being unable to breathe as I bent over to fasten my shoes. That was IT—my final straw.

Another medical practitioner recommended I go to see Amy. Even by the end of December – before my initial planned start of January 2021 – I’d lost a whole stone and was the lowest weight I’d been in some time. That was the incentive I needed. I knew it was worth doing.”

Ordinary Diets Didn’t Work

“Oh, I tried everything! Big name diet groups, Aloe diets, juices and shakes – the lot. I suffered anaemia at one point, which made me faint. On the Aloe diet, I’d lose weight at first – but that’s because I existed on fluids.

Amy prescribed Ozempic injections along with lots of support and guidance. With Ozempic, I can still eat the things I like. However, I only seem to fancy a nibble that fixes my cravings and makes me feel full up.”

With AL Medical Wellness, Weight Loss is Different

“I was just SO excited at the thought of ACTUALLY looking how I’d always wanted to. This was a big decision. It was such a drastic step and a considerable investment. But I know if I could go back and ask fat Laura, she would’ve paid anything to feel as confident as I do now. I feel super gorgeous, and finally, I love myself.

Amy was with me every step of the way, from the comprehensive consultation and keeping me fully informed. Weight loss injections are a daunting prospect, but Amy ensured I was fully clued-up, so it was easy. I chose to inject in the evening, just before bed, as my only side-effects were a little dizziness and slight nausea. I’d inject, go to bed with a hot water bottle, then by morning, I’d feel great!

And, if occasionally I feel a bit weak, dizzy or a little nauseous during the day, I simply eat a candy stick or two (they’re pure sugar but not too calorific) which helps me back to an even keel.”

Weight Loss That Works

“I saw results literally in the first few weeks. But they kept coming! I’m now 13 stone, so have lost over 5 stone, and wear a size 14.

I immediately increased my water intake, which will always help to reduce bloat. However, because I was so big, I’d burn a lot of calories in everyday life – my body reacted really well to my portion control and healthier food choices. Unlike almost ANY other diet, there was no need to make yourself eat tiny portions or deprive yourself. On the injections, you simply can’t overeat. It seemed almost effortless!”

Laura Got Her Life Back

“I have travelled a lot recently, for work – and for weddings. I’ve chosen not to stick rigidly to my diet. Considering I’ve visited Australia, Mexico, and Italy and thoroughly enjoyed their cuisines, I’ve only gained a centimetre here and there. I’ve maintained my weight. Plus, I know for sure that the moment I get back into my routine, I’ll soon lose that little extra – and I’ll keep on going. This really works for me, as it’s helped change my entire mindset around food and health. I no longer eat greasy foods – my body is so used to nutritious food, that I actually feel a bit sick if I eat something really fatty or greasy. That’s what’s helped when travelling, for sure.

The main difference I see in myself is my style. I could only dress a certain way and could never look at certain items of clothing. Now, I feel like a different woman. I can choose a mini skirt and my goodness; I can even wear crop tops! No, it’s not that important in the great scheme of things – but confidence IS.”

Ready to Lose Weight and Get YOUR Life Back?

Even more important than confidence is HEALTH. Before Laura came to AL Medical, she admitted her fitness levels were lamentable and she couldn’t even walk far. More to the point, she had no desire to walk anywhere. Now though, no distance is too far, nothing hurts AND she doesn’t get out of breath anymore!

Laura is healthy once more. She looks amazing and is so happy, with tremendous confidence. So much so, she’s been offered her dream job, in Miami. As she told us, “I finally like myself again.” Now THAT’S a result.

Like Laura, if you know you need to make changes to your weight, your diet and your lifestyle, don’t put it off. Take action now. Contact us, today, and we’ll be with you every step of the way. Whatever you choose to do, don’t wait until tomorrow. One day, there won’t BE a tomorrow.