Dontcha just love Chrimbo Limbo, otherwise known as Twixmas? Little or no idea what day it is, whether the bins should be out, eating and drinking whatever you fancy – because “stuff it, it’s Christmas”?

Even those of us working or running businesses, as usual, can still feel a distinctly festive atmosphere, a satisfied, laid-back vibe. For the time being, at least, we can forget about the gas bill and simply focus on the happy. There’s a lesson there for the rest of the year…

Hope You had a Merry Little Christmas

How was your Christmas? We hope, like ours, it involved lots of food and family times, festivities and friends. If not – and we know it can be a challenging time for some – please find someone to talk to. Help is out there, and if you’re unsure where to look, drop us a line, and we’ll try to point you in the right direction.

This year, Amy and family enjoyed Christmas day at home with her sister; Amy says: “Christmas is a time for family, as well as a rest for us – we all work so hard throughout the year. Making time to chill out is always the goal. Now we have kids; it really is all about them – it’s magical. However, Christmas always includes lots of food, wine, and treats – there’s no such thing as a diet at Christmas!”

Fun and Festivities

Lyndsay, too, had a lovely Christmas.

As she says, “it seems so long ago when we put our tree up! We have a tradition of watching Home Alone 2 – we’d love to spend Christmas in New York one day. This year we also did a reverse advent for a foodbank which we will definitely continue each year.

Photo of Lyndsay, skin care expert at AL Medical Aesthetics & Wellness

Meet Lyndsay

We love a light show such as Dunham Massey, which is a wonderful way to start the festive season. December flew by, starting with an awards event in London for Amy. Then the usual rush of school concerts and parties for my children. I was glad when they broke up from school so we could all make the most of no early rush to leave the house, Christmas films and wrapping! This year we went out for our Christmas dinner. A lovely change – and no washing up!

We always travel down to Cornwall after Boxing Day to my parents to celebrate New Year’s Eve. All the town’s roads close, and there’s a giant fancy-dress street party. The trip also means plenty of walks to counteract any over-indulgence. I still try to get some goodness into us, with smoothies and soups. The kids also love dipping fruit into melted chocolate which I guess is healthier than just their own body weight in chocolate!”

Here’s to a Healthy and Happy New Year

Do you have any tips for at least trying not to be TOO unhealthy over Christmas and New year? Or just accept it, enjoy and start anew in January?

What about New Year’s resolutions? Do you make any? And, perhaps, more to the point, do you KEEP them? It’s worth bearing in mind that, sometimes, although it’s good to have goals, it’s NOT good to put unrealistic pressure on yourself. Thus, keep them attainable. Have a plan. After all, goals without plans are no more than wishes. Think small steps to achieve a bigger aim and enlist friends or family. Support each other and be accountable. And remember, if your goals involve health or wellbeing, there are many ways in which we can help. Come back this time next year and let us know how you get on!

This year, Lyndsay would like to make some changes to free up more time and improve her own health:

“I struggle a lot with sleep but find that swimming and Pilates really help with this. I’m going to aim to organise my diary better to ensure that I can fit these in”.

Amy’s resolution is about improving AL Medical Aesthetics and Wellness – both for the clinic AND for our patients.

She explains: “I want it to be the best it can be, so my patients receive the best. This will include more automation, more streamlined services, and the development of a more holistic service incorporating even more of a wellness perspective.

Photo of Amy

Amy’s looking forward to 2023

This will be achieved by growing the team with more admin support and also by asking you, our patients, what you want to see.”

So, what are you waiting for? Contact us now and let us know what more we can do for you.

Take Care of the Skin You’re In

How’s your skin holding up this winter?

Even Amy admits she’s not religious with her skincare, health, and wellness: “I’m definitely a 75% kind of girl (I’m human and I never expect any patient to be on it 100% of the time. That’s unrealistic as sometimes, life just takes over). However, for me this works. It’s like we said earlier about keeping it attainable… I’m also going to try to set aside time each day to listen to a podcast or focus on my mindset. This was something I really did in lockdown and really benefitted from.”

Lyndsay’s skin really doesn’t like the combination of the cold, heating and alcohol (huge Baileys fan at Christmas) over these last few weeks: “My cheeks and chin have flared up with rosacea, but I just stripped back my skincare routine, stopped any acids and harsh exfoliants and worked on repairing my skin barrier with Alumier ultimate boost and calm serums and adding extra hydration with the Aqua infusion mask. My skin is back to good health again.”

With that, we’ll sign out for this year. Wishing you health and happiness for 2023. Count any blessings you can find and look after yourself. Cheers!