The Lips & Mouth Area

The mouth area is the most mobile part of the face. We constantly use it for talking, laughing, eating, and other expressions. This constant movement leads to natural wear and tear that affects the skin, muscles, and fat.
Let's explore the different areas of the mouth and the available treatments...
The Lips
The lips often become one of the first areas we seek to treat as we age. This is because they begin to appear thinner and more textured, potentially making us look older than we are.
Several factors contribute to this change. With age, our lips lose:
Collagen (structure)
Hyaluronic acid (hydration)
Elastin (elasticity)
Additionally, the muscles become weaker, resulting in thinner, less youthful lips. Changes in the facial skeletal structure can also cause the lips to turn inward, making them appear thinner.
Lip Shape & Size
Aging isn't always the primary concern with lips. Some people are simply unhappy with their natural lip shape or size, or they may have lip asymmetry (uneven or unsymmetrical lips). When lips are too small, they can appear disproportionate to the rest of the face, affecting overall facial harmony.
Lip Treatments
Lip Filler: For enhancing shape and volume, lip filler is the most effective solution. Dermal filler, a hyaluronic acid-based gel, is used to replace, enhance, or support facial tissue. In the lips, a soft gel replaces natural volume and can help improve structure in cases of asymmetry.
Smoker's Lines
Despite their name, smoker's lines aren't exclusive to smokers. They're named after the lip movement made when smoking, which can make these lines more prominent. However, smokers do typically develop more pronounced lines due to increased skin damage.
These lines form due to the contraction of the muscle around the mouth (orbicularis oris). They're more common in women because women have fewer hair follicles in this area, resulting in less structured skin with less fat compared to men. Since the skin has fibres attached to the muscle, every muscle movement affects the skin. Poor skin quality increases the likelihood of permanent lines developing in this area.
Treatments for Smoker's Lines
Dermal Filler: Dermal filler effectively treats smoker's lines. Small amounts of hyaluronic acid gel are injected directly into the lines to fill them and support the skin. A cannula can also be used to separate the fibres and deposit threads of filler for additional skin support.
Polynucleotides: While polynucleotides cannot fill lines like dermal fillers, they can thicken and strengthen the skin to help smooth the appearance of smoker's lines, depending on their severity. These natural DNA fragments, derived from fish, repair cellular damage in the skin. They also boost the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin, restoring the skin's structure and elasticity.
Oral Commissures & Marionette Lines
Oral commissures are the corners of the mouth where the lips meet. Over time, these areas can deepen and bulge, creating a downturned, sad appearance. These lines may extend downward, forming "marionette lines." Both oral commissures and marionette lines are considered signs of aging that can affect facial appearance.
Treatments for Oral Commissures & Marionette lines
Dermal Filler: The most effective way to treat this area is with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. Not only are fillers capable of filling lines, but they can also support facial structures and help restore shape.
Oral commissures and marionette lines are caused by facial movement, fat loss, and decreased skin elasticity. For oral commissures, dermal filler is used to lift the structure back up. Marionette lines are reduced by using filler to replace lost fat, resulting in a softer 'fold' or 'line.'

The Lips & Mouth Area